Thursday, March 5, 2015

Just A Little Update

I think it is important as a cancer patient to feel good about your doctor. And I totally do! I know God placed me at Charleston Cancer Center for a reason. They are wonderful, and the chemo is working for me. I am going to continue down the path I have chosen, which is prayer and chemo and trying to adjust my diet. I feel better than I have in months! I am not sick. I have complete faith that I am going to be healed. I had chemo number 5 today! I'm always excited for chemo day, because I am one step closer to scan time. My doctor thinks we should get good results from this scan because I am feeling so well! So we will do that in the next couple of weeks. I did need a blood transfusion today due to a drop in my red blood cells but I didn't feel bad. Just a little tired. I am so blessed to be able to witness to such a large scale of people! But I do need rest and time with my family, so bare with me :). I will read and reply to everything. Yall are wonderful. Your testimonies, encouragement, and prayers mean so much to me! Thank you all for reading about my journey. :)


  1. I completed my treatment for triple negative Breast cancer in June 2014 and find days that I'm gripped in fear of a recurrence. Your strong faith and positive attitude is truly an inspiration for me. Keep up your fight.. You are a true champion!!😄

    1. My prayers are with you, it will not come back! Thank you so much :) <3

  2. I happened upon your blog via Instagram and couldn't resist commenting! I know someone whose ailment caused the doctors to think she'd never walk again and she reversed it and is alive and healthy today. Through prayer, vigorous commitment, and diet redidication through Christ anything is possible. Keep up your prayers and I am in full belief that you can and will walk in full cute and rehabilitation very soon. I love that you believe in Christ for it. And Jesus is a healer so believe it to be heard 😍

  3. Bonjour Whitney
    Je vous souhaite beaucoup de courage face à ce parcours très difficile qui est celui dans lequel vous entraine ce cancer .............C'est un parcours que je connais car j'ai eu un cancer du sein en 2006 avec chimio et radiothérapie mais à aucun moment ma vie a été menacée.................J'espère qu'il faut continuer à croire à une totale guérison car la médecine ne connait pas la grandeur de dieu qui peut toutes choses................Croyez ,priez et profitez de tous les moments de bonheur qui vous sont offerts.............Je vous envoie plein d'ondes positives et vous souhaite encore beaucoup de courage:Bien à vous Claire

    1. Amen! I am so glad your cancer did not threaten your life. Yes we must pray for a cure and believe! Thank you so much for your encouragement Claire :) <3 Merci!

  4. Thank you so much!! God bless you :)

  5. Salam Whitney,
    I am just so proud of You. You did know the meaning of Faith.. you re not just seeking for a mirucle but also Thanking God dor his will.
    There is absolutly a reason behind this. If you re happy with God's gift .. He will Gives you more than U imagine.
    I will make prayers for U and I hope to meet you,if it s not here on Earth inchallah in The here after.
    Thank you gor lnspiring us.
    Here is a special dedicace for You :*
    You're sister Chaymae Yousfi

  6. Heya, Whitney. I've arrived here via a news story linked on Reddit.

    My wife was diagnosed with stage 3C ovarian cancer after doctors found her full of tumours during the c-section birth of our son.

    A year ago, after the cancer returned following chemo and surgery, the docs gave her a year to live.

    Yes, that was a year ago, and she's still doing okay for now.

    My wife and I have been through enough of this to know that there's nothing anyone else can say that makes much better. You're in the middle of this. If your faith is working well for you, keep at it. Keep the people in your life close to you and love from the top of your ability. None of this is easy, and it will probably get harder than you think you can handle.

    I wish you health and success! You can drop by my blog to see how we've handled things...and I hope you get some peace!

    1. Thank you! I will check out your blog and I wish you and your family the absolute best!!

  7. Dear, Withney

    glad to hear youre doing well after your chemo.
    I just wanted to recommend something that helped me book by Dr Fuhrman called "Super Immunity" because diet is extremely important when battling this.
    if it helps in any way go by this 3Gs God Gym Green .

    may God bless you always you are amazing ,

    all I can in Christ that strengthens me. philliphians 3;14

  8. You are very stronger god jehova bless you

  9. C'est la première fois que j'ai été aussi touchée de toute ma vie,
    Tu es juste magnifique, souriante et super courageuse
    J’espère vraiment que tu te rétablira, en attendant, je te souhaite bonne chance

    Kiss from France,

  10. The Budwig Diet saved my aunt's life (and many since now that I can't stop telling people about it!) She had stage IV Ovarian with one week to live and I begged her to try it. She did and her CA 125 went from 185 and lethal to 5.5 in 16 days. One year later her cancer was gone. We had planned her funeral and today she is alive and we all praise God every day for her miracle. I've started working with a charity that shows people how to do the diet (which is very simple, but it must be followed exactly.) It typically only takes about 45 days to see the results. I know you hear about so many things like this, but everyone I know with cancer had very aggressive, very rare cancer and ultimately were sent home to die. They did the Budwig and are now cancer free. One of them had a 2 week old baby when he was sent home to die. I pray you try it. If you need help or want to know more about the diet look up Randy Scott on Facebook (I'm his wife but don't have a page). I'll even bring you everything you need and show you how to do it. It's a miracle and I've seen it save people that had planned their funeral. It's straight from God. God bless you and thank you for blessing others and glorifying christ in the midst of your unimaginable pain. We are praying for you and your family.

  11. Dear Withney, thank you for sharing your strenght, faith and love with us. You' re amazing, I will think of you and pray for your recovery.
    You are a shining example for all of us.

  12. Hi Whitney, you are such a beautiful young woman and I'm hoping and praying for you to have a speedy recovery. I know that God is able to do all things. Just trust in him and every thing will be alright. God bless you and your family. ~ Ann~

  13. Whitney, I absolutely LOVE your strength and belief in Christ! I can't wait until I sit and read all of your posts. Your story helps me because it is similar to my mom's story. She was was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 33 and 3 months pregnant. I will pray for your long life and strength in our Father who said, "Ask and it shall be given. Knock and the door shall be open." Continue to pen because you are definitely the author of your life story. Be blessed and hope that you feel better!

  14. Hey Whitney. Praying for you and cheering you on. Psalm 63 brings my heart encouragement especially verses 7&8. God is writing your story and it is beautiful! Shine on sister! God is always with you.

    1. I love those verses, thank you for sharing!! God bless you <3

  15. I'm Justine from France and I just read an article about you on the website Your strength should inspire everyone. We all spend time to complain about the whole thing. We don't realize how lucky we are are.. It's so unfair what you're going through. But you're an example for your children, for us.. I just wanna say: congratulations & above all keep hope. Everything is gonna be okay. There's a quote "Bien que le monde soit plein de souffrance, il est aussi plein de victoire sur celle-ci" (Helen Keller) It means that although the world is full of suffering, it's also full of victories on this one..

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement!! <3

  16. This is the third time to write the comment due technical problems but I really wanted to post it.
    I just found your story on Daily Mail and was impressed. I used to have much less faith than you, but watching a nice and great believer like you greatly touches my heart and make me think about the whole thing twice.
    I hope you will be healed soon and all your pains will disappear. And with God's will you will see your kids grow up and live every happy moment with them.
    I will pray for you :)

    1. Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me. God bless you :)

  17. Prayers of continued healing and blessings, Tammy

  18. Hi sweet Whitney, I'm excited to see your updates. It sounds like you chose a very wise path: prayer, chemo, and adjust diet. I LOVE that you put prayer first. That is #1! You are so loved by the Lord and many people and I am so glad there are so many people praying for you. Yesterday at church, I shared some of the elders to pray for you. One of the women told me her friends granddaughter who has cancer really benefited from the alkaline diet (you may have already heard of that, but I wanted to pass along just in case, she also suggest lots of pure lemon juice in your water :) ). These verses are coming to my mind for you, dear. "Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Don't be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand." - Isaiah 41:10. My husband and I have been praying for you and your family.

    1. I love that verse so much! One of my favorites :). Thank you so much, yall are wonderful!! God bless you <3

  19. dear whitney
    I am very touched by your story ..
    always keep your smile and enthusiasm
    know that God exists and hear your prayers .. everything is possible .. do not waste espoire
    help you with a good diet, what is natuelle and bio ..
    taking ginger and turmeric teas with honey ..
    a little honey in a glass of water fasting morning.
    also try to make soup of whole grain barley, it's full of nutrients ..
    and above all remember that God is great !!
    lots of love
