Thursday, September 10, 2015


Hi yall!  I apologize for not posting lately.  Honestly, I just haven't felt up to it.  I just had my second round of the new chemo regimen on Tuesday and it's been agreeable this time!  The chemo pills made me sick, so we switched to a 46 hour drip from a pump and while it's a bit of a pain to be hooked up for 2 days, it's not that bad.  My only problem now is the pain.  When we get this tumor shrinking and the pain disappears I will feel normal again!  This chemo doesn't make me tired, or effect my blood counts the way the harsher chemo did.  No scans scheduled for a while, we're going to give this chemo time to do it's thing.  God is still in control!  Thank you for your prayers.