Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Are You Ready?

I wasn't sure about sharing this one, but I keep feeling pressed to share this view of death/dying. So I’m going to obey, here it goes.

We're all going to die, unless Jesus comes back to take us home before that time comes. Some might say, “Why worry about that now? We have plenty of time!” Wrong. We all need to think about the end, as depressing as that may sound. It’s just reality. Are you ready? I wasn’t. The thought of death absolutely terrified me. I wasn't sure what would happen to me afterwards. Have I lived a life that is pleasing to God? Do I have that relationship with Him, that will ensure my entry into Heaven? The thought of an afterlife was so huge, so beyond my understanding, I wasn't even sure I believed in it. All of this changed when I found out I was dying, when my end didn't seem quite so far away.

After accepting a closer walk with my Savior, I am not afraid of death. I know exactly where I am going when I take my last breath. It will be easy. Peaceful. I will walk…no, run, into the arms of my Father. I still can’t wrap my mind around it, and I’m not sure that I ever will, really. But I know I’m ready when my time comes, and that’s a good feeling. Those that we have lost, they are rejoicing in Heaven! They will never suffer again, they will never shed a tear. No pain, no sadness.

Don’t get me wrong, I am fighting with everything I have to live. While I love my Father and I look forward to meeting Him in Heaven, I want to live here on Earth as long as I can. I want to be with my family and enjoy His blessings for the rest of my long life. That is the part that still scares me; leaving my babies, leaving my family. I feel like my death will be easy, but the thought of my children growing up without me is unbearable. So the battle is on, and glory to God it is already won. By His stripes, I am healed!

John 14: 1-4

“Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.”


  1. Whitney, I love the way you write. Your writing is so real and your voice and faith, so clear. Your testimony is powerful. It's obvious that God has chosen you to spread the good news of Jesus Christ. And because you are obedient, you will be blessed far beyond measure. Continued prayers for your healing! Keep spreading the good news!

    1. Thank you Mrs. Laurie! That means so much to me!

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  2. Wow. You are a brave girl. Your faith is inspirational.
    With all that you are going through, plus raising a young Family..... You amaze me.
    Much love to you, beautiful girl!

  3. Surely you are a living testimony!God's investment to save many souls for the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ! Am very certain and convinced our loving Father will not allow this divine investment to perish! Am continuously amazed by your great faith and very expectant of your total healing in Jesus name!

  4. You are not alone i, too have been scared at times about leaving my "babies" (11 and 13!)behind. But then I think about how He takes care of me and all of His children and know He will do the same for them. Your faith is amazing, as are you, lots of love, prayers, and hugs, Melissa R

  5. Yes, on all points, may I add a few -

    ...the Bible says, "Obedience is better than sacrifice"...so ya done good -lol-.

    ...Always tell the Good News; you can Never go wrong, telling the story of God, Christ, Holy Spirit, their love and salvation...never. It's our job to plant and water, it's God's job to harvest and, often, we never know when that Seed falls on fertile ground.

    ...Daddy, 87 this year, always says, "I'm ready to go but I'm not Homesick!" and I add, "ain't that the truth?!"

    ...Dave, my husband, for years wouldn't go with me to church. He was an honorable man, a righteous (in his own way) man and, because he was such a good man, he didn't understand the need for salvation. On Monday morning, Oct 31, 2011 he called me to his side to ask, "I want to know how to get right with God." As best I could, I told him and then we prayed. He asked to be left alone for a while and a couple of hours later told me, "I've made my peace with God." Saturday morning, Nov 5, 2011 he, very unexpectedly, died of a massive heart attack. We thought he had a year left but that was the doctor's plan and not God's plan.

    ...should you have a few moments, visit www.1wifetowidow.blogspot.com to, perhaps, find something that might help with the here and now. Then, if you go to my personal blog, www.thistlecovefarm.blogspot.com and type in 'Dave' to search, there might be something there to help. I can't find your e-address on your blog and would like to send you a PM...thistlecovefarms@gmail.com
    Life is hard but God is good; I'm ready to go but I'm not Homesick.

    1. Thank you so much for sharing!! I will definitely check these out. My email is whcox87@yahoo.com :)

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  7. I'm so glad you obeyed the Holy Spirit and shared this one. Very powerful truth! Last night I was talking to my husband about how sometimes my symptoms are worse. I have no idea if I'm going to die fairly young (I'm 40) or live until I'm old. Or who knows Jesus may be back to get us in a few years. I'm not afraid to die, yet I think about my husband without me and I want to live because I can't imagine how hard it would be for him. Also I want to have more time to share the Gospel and my testimony of His redemption in my life with others. Praise the Lord for the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ! The bible promises "streets of gold" and that we will have healthy bodies. And we will walk with Jesus and worship God forever. :) I have read parts of a book called "90 minutes in heaven" where a pastor died and was in heaven and describes how amazing it is. So I understand you, how you are not afraid to die, yet you want to be there for your loving family. You have a beautiful heart. I pray for God's healing and your testimony to reach many.

    1. Thank you so much! You are in my prayers as well. I think I will check out that book! Sounds like a good read :)

  8. All of you (Whitney and those who've responded here and to other posts) are such inspirations! Thank you for sharing your stories and your faith. Janey
