“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Jesus tells us that we will have suffering in this world. Though, we do not suffer in vain. He uses our trials so that we may draw closer to Him. Through them, He can show us His mercy and love. God has a plan for our lives, long before we are even born. Everyone has a purpose, and everyone matters. We are all God’s children, and what He has done for me, he can do for you too. God has done some pretty amazing things for me lately. If it were not for my suffering, He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to bless me the way that He has! What a tragedy it would have been, to be blind to what I am seeing so clearly now. I was alive before, but I wasn’t really living. He pulled me up from the bottom of the pit and He rescued me. He took me in His arms and he comforted me. He gave me faith so strong; it cannot be moved by the enemy! I find hope in everything, even something simple as looking up at the sky. The same God that created that great big sky, created me and you. Nothing is too big for our God! He is bigger than our troubles! He is bigger than cancer. He is bigger than depression. He is bigger than the problems in our marriage, the problems at our jobs, the problems with our children, the problems with our finances. He can see us through any situation! Imagine what the world would be like, if we all had an unshakeable faith in God. We all need this. He gave this to me, so that I can share it with you.
Wow! Praise the Lord! Your testimony is so powerful. I pray many people will come to know Jesus through your story. Yesterday, while my husband and I were at a homeless shelter for ministry, he (my husband) shared a story from the bible "that what the devil means for harm, God uses for good" and he also shared "it's not only for our good, but also for the saving of many lives". It's been on my heart to write a blog about my health problems, and how God used my panic attacks to lead me to Him, and how my nerve disorders have drawn me much closer to the Lord. Your story inspires me to write about how God uses the "bad" stuff in my life for much good. May God bless and heal you, and bless MANY people through you! You inspire me and keep me grounded in Truth!
ReplyDeleteI would love to read that! If you do it, send me a link :). Thank you so much!
DeleteHi sweet friend! I wrote a rough draft last night on my blog right when I got home from work, you can read it here: http://amberpaulsen.blogspot.com/
ReplyDeleteIt was kind of long so I didn't even get a chance to write about my anxiety, and how it led me to Jesus, but that will come someday. ;) Also there is link to a song at the end that my husband wrote. Please feel free to pass along to your family too if you think God will bless them through it.
Beautiful blog and beautiful song!! Love it. Thank you for sharing :)
DeleteThanks for reading it and listening to song. You are so sweet!! Love you.
DeleteYour faith will save you and you`ll be cured. May the lord bless you !
ReplyDeleteThank you!! God bless! :)