Thursday, March 26, 2015

Even Better News

I received #7 of 8 today. We will continue on with chemo after #8. Dr. Saylors said that 70% was a estimate by the looks of the scan, but when she actually measured the tumors... ALL tumors have shrunk by 80%. This has exceeded her expectations and we are just so excited! God has really come through today. I was not expecting even better news at my appointment, that one took me by surprise! And my friend Mr. Claud got his good news. That just made my day! I do believe I have smiled all day long. I am so blessed and I have been surrounded by nothing but hope and happiness today. Please continue to pray for Mr. Claud as you pray for me. I believe in my heart that by the grace of God, he will claim victory over his cancer.

I'm being lazy bones this evening, I am very tired. They will be checking my blood even on my week off from chemo now and I find this comforting to be watched so closely. If the chemo starts wearing me down my doctor can adjust. But I am handling it beautifully, I think. I am being taken care of. By my Father, my family, my doctor & nurses.

1 Corinthians 16:13-14
Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Great News!


I had a scan today to see how my tumors are responding to the chemo. While the cancer is still there, all tumors have shrunk 70%!! I will take that! God is so good. I will be sleeping very well tonight :). I will get all the details next week when I meet with my oncologist!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Jesus tells us that we will have suffering in this world. Though, we do not suffer in vain. He uses our trials so that we may draw closer to Him. Through them, He can show us His mercy and love. God has a plan for our lives, long before we are even born. Everyone has a purpose, and everyone matters. We are all God’s children, and what He has done for me, he can do for you too. God has done some pretty amazing things for me lately. If it were not for my suffering, He wouldn’t have had the opportunity to bless me the way that He has! What a tragedy it would have been, to be blind to what I am seeing so clearly now. I was alive before, but I wasn’t really living. He pulled me up from the bottom of the pit and He rescued me. He took me in His arms and he comforted me. He gave me faith so strong; it cannot be moved by the enemy! I find hope in everything, even something simple as looking up at the sky. The same God that created that great big sky, created me and you. Nothing is too big for our God! He is bigger than our troubles! He is bigger than cancer. He is bigger than depression. He is bigger than the problems in our marriage, the problems at our jobs, the problems with our children, the problems with our finances. He can see us through any situation! Imagine what the world would be like, if we all had an unshakeable faith in God. We all need this. He gave this to me, so that I can share it with you.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Now Not Later

When we visualize our life, we generally picture a lot of time being involved, right? We believe there is always “later.” Well, that was me. I was a “later” person. There were things I wanted to do with Taylor, but I’d put them off until later. I wanted to date my husband, but we would do that later. I wanted to have a closer walk with God. There was always time for that, later.

We are not promised tomorrow. “Later” may never come. There is only One who knows when our time is up. He could come for us all any given moment. So I want to be a “now” person. I want to take advantage of every moment I can, and make them into sweet memories. I want Taylor and Luke to have the best childhood to look back on when they are my age. I was blessed with that childhood. When I look back on my life, I have so many good times to hold on to. I’m looking forward to making many more! So if you’re putting things off until later, ask yourself, “what am I really waiting for?” Take advantage of the time you have! Be productive. Be happy! :)

Mark 13:32
But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Be On Your Guard

Life is a precious gift and it should be treated as such. Protect yourself. The devil is a liar! He wants to see us fail. He knows our weaknesses and he preys on them. But God is love, the lover of our souls. Call upon Him and He will cover you. We are His children. Satan has no power in His presence. 

Corinthians 16:13-16 Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong. Do everything in love.

We were given this life because we are strong enough to live it.  We all face challenges, that's just apart of life. They don't make life any less beautiful. The trick is to praise God during those challenges.  Hand over your worries to our Savior, He will rescue you!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Just A Little Update

I think it is important as a cancer patient to feel good about your doctor. And I totally do! I know God placed me at Charleston Cancer Center for a reason. They are wonderful, and the chemo is working for me. I am going to continue down the path I have chosen, which is prayer and chemo and trying to adjust my diet. I feel better than I have in months! I am not sick. I have complete faith that I am going to be healed. I had chemo number 5 today! I'm always excited for chemo day, because I am one step closer to scan time. My doctor thinks we should get good results from this scan because I am feeling so well! So we will do that in the next couple of weeks. I did need a blood transfusion today due to a drop in my red blood cells but I didn't feel bad. Just a little tired. I am so blessed to be able to witness to such a large scale of people! But I do need rest and time with my family, so bare with me :). I will read and reply to everything. Yall are wonderful. Your testimonies, encouragement, and prayers mean so much to me! Thank you all for reading about my journey. :)

Bold With Strength In My Soul

"In the day when I cried out, You answered me, And made me bold with strength in my soul." Psalm 138:3

I've never felt any kind of "calling" until recently. I've watched other people obey God and make themselves a witness in one way or another, but that was never me. I didn't think I would even be able to "hear" it if God spoke to me. I have always been shy and I've always kept to myself. I was a lazy Christian. Sure, I prayed and I loved Jesus. I never stepped out though. I never talked about Him. I wasn't focusing on Him. I was distracted with everyday life, with "things." God wanted more from me. We have to slow down and listen! He has given me the desire to understand His Word. He has given me the desire to turn this test into a testimony. I praise God for this calling! I am not the same person I was before. He has made me bold and strong in my soul! On the outside, I may look like a lamb, but inside He has made me a lion! I will defeat this cancer, it will not defeat me. I speak nothing but life over my body. Dying is not an option, not until He sees fit. And when I do meet Him, He will say "Well done, good and faithful servant."